Is it okay to play Final Fantasy XIV on MacBook Pro 13”?

Final Fantasy XIV graphic test in a MacBook Pro 13” Windows 10 with Intel Core i5-6360U, 8GB RAM, and Iris Graphic 540.

If you carefully read system requirements for Final Fantasy XIV, it say this MacBook Pro 13” doesn’t meet minimum system requirements, especially in GPU section.

“Hey, this is the only mobile computer I owned,” I said that to my self two years ago and before I play this game. Last year, I build my own PC Desktop that powerful enough to play Final Fantasy XIV (and also some other games) in 4K 60fps.

But now I’m just curious. How “bad” my MacBook Pro 13” can run Final Fantasy XIV? So I run various setting to get better information, which setting here-and-there may I apply so I can play properly on my MacBook Pro. I run Windows 10 with feature pack 21H1 version on my MacBook Pro (BootCamp mode). My main priority on this test is only for crafting, access retainers, open market board, grand company delivery turn-in, and other non-combat in-game play.

For first test, I run Final Fantasy XIV with graphic setting in Standard (Laptop) then Maximum with 720p and 1080p. I want to know maximum FPS my MacBook Pro can handle with this various graphic resolutions and settings.

720p, Standard (Laptop) – resulting 27fps
1080p, Standard (Laptop) – resulting 16fps. *but 14fps on screenshoot
720p, Maximum – resulting 9fps
1080p, Maximum – resulting 4fps

For second test, I run Final Fantasy XIV in various graphic resolution and Standard (Laptop) setting with frame rate limit at 30fps and 15fps so I know how much graphic load/resources used in this settings. Because 1080p Standard (Laptop) resulting ~14fps. I won’t show result for 1080p with frame rate limit in 30fps. But because 720p resulting nearly 27fps, it is wort to test with 30fps limit.

720p, Standard (Laptop), FPS limit 30fps – resulting 25fps and GPU load 100%.
720p, Standard (Laptop), FPS limit 15fps – resulting 15fps (max limit) and 59% GPU load.
1080p, Standard (Laptop), FPS limit 15fps – resulting 15fps (max limit) and 97% GPU load. *but 14fps on screenshoot

As conclusion:

Proper settings to use is Standard (Laptop) in 720p and frame rate limit at 30fps. It resulting under 30fps (~27fps) but it is okay since this test run in Limsa Lominsa City, most crowded city and nearly highest players count stay there all day. To preserve GPU resource, proper setting to use is Standard (Laptop) in 720p and frame rate limit at 15fps. It will takes your graphic resource ~59%. Also, I can play in 1080p but better with frame rate cap at 15fps, it will takes your graphic resource ~97%.

Best scenario to play Final Fantasy XIV on MacBook Pro 13” in non-combat gameplay:

  • Want to play in 30fps, play in 720p and enable FPS limit at 30fps, Standard (Laptop) Preset.
  • Want to save resource, play in 720p and enable FPS limit at 15fps, Standard (Laptop) Preset.
  • Want to play in 1080p, play in 1080p and enable FPS limit at 15fps, Standard (Laptop) Preset.

This is not as accurate as benchmark result. But for day-to-day usage, this graphic setting scenario would be plenty helpful.

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